Nancy Loe, blog author from the website Sassy Jane Genealogy, has shared this blog as part of our ongoing “How I Solved It Series”. This is a quick story about finding details of her ancestors who lived within the parish of Dunnottar near Dunnottar Castle.
Month: July 2018
How I Solved It: Brick Wall Ancestor | #4 Jane “Jennie” M Whitford Nichols Faulkner
Anne Faulkner, the blog author from Ancestor Archaeology, has shared this blog as part of our ongoing “How I Solved It Series”. Here, Ann shares how difficult it can be tracking ancestors when records seemingly keep changing. In this case, the location of birth kept changing. The people she lived with kept changing. Surname variations were a…
Updates from RootsFinder: new Infographics and more
In case you missed it…we started a new infographic series for your family tree(s). The first one shows the average age at death for the men and women in your family compared to other RootsFinder users’ trees and also compared to the infant mortality rate over time. (I thought it was really interesting to see…
Seven Reasons You Might Hire a Professional Genealogist
We’ve recently partnered with Legacy Tree Genealogists, the world’s highest client-rated genealogy research firm to provide additional options for our users to make their family history research as successful as possible. Hit a brick wall in your research? You’ll now find a link to “Hire a Researcher” in the toolbar underneath the header on a…
How I Solved It: Angelina Appleton: A Victorian Bigamist
Suzi Brent, blog author of Family Tree Mystery, has shared this blog as part of our ongoing “How I Solved It Series”. Here, Suzi shows us how she discovered a missing relative who ended up changing her name and becoming a bigamist.
How I Solved It: It Pays to Look Twice
Jacqi Stevens, blog author of A Family Tapestry has shared this blog with us as part of our “How I Solved It” Series. Here, Jacqi tells us how she was inspired by another genealogical blogger to revisit some records she had filed away 20 years ago. With a fresh pair of eyes, she found the parent’s names…
How I Solved It: William Holloway, Martha Branson & Phebe Crispin: A genealogical game of hide and seek
Brian Sheffey, blog author from the website Genealogy Adventures has shared this blog with us as part of our “How I Solved It” Series. This blog, Brian explains how DNA has helped find relatives but pinning down the tree and identifying the correct individuals in the records has been difficult. He finally finds some of the…
How I Solved It: MyHeritage Newly Indexed Ellis Island Records and My Great Discovery!
Linda Stufflebean, blog author from the website Empty Branch Family Tree has shared this blog with us as part of our “How I Solved It” Series. In this blog, Linda details a recent webinar that covers some newly indexed and published records in a database. A question about her grandmother’s stories led to several exciting finds in…